Experts in our Field
Why Choose Us
We are scientists, researchers, and above all, business people who understand that you need fast and accurate certification and testing. You can rely on our expertise in hardwood plywood, engineered wood flooring, and paint and coatings, knowing that we draft and publish ANSI national standards, serve on ASTM committees, and that our lab and processes are certified by IAS.
HPVA Laboratories provides product and system certification, inspection and testing services that meet the highest professional standards. Our operating philosophy, embodied in this Quality Policy Statement, is based on five essential components.
HPVA Laboratories is committed to providing a product and system certification, testing and inspection program that meets all of our customers’ and industry’s requirements. read more
Standard of Service
HPVA Laboratories will provide our customers with impartial, accurate and reliable inspection and test results and certification decisions in timely and clearly understood reports. read more
The objectives of our quality system are to ensure that our product and process certification programs reflect current industry and regulatory requirements. read more
It is the responsibility of HPVA Laboratories employees, contract personnel and agents to familiarize themselves with the contents of the Quality Management System and to comply with the policies and procedures contained within. read more
HPVA Laboratories will ensure compliance to ISO/IEC Standards 17020, 17025 and 17065 through internal audits continued accreditation by International Accreditation Services, Inc. read more
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